Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks: Even without Internet at Home, Students can Keep Learning (by Google)

Equity of Access. Those three words keep popping up in my head. How do we continue to provide services to students in a way that is equitable? Google has outlined tips and tricks for learning at home even when there is no internet. As mentioned in previous posts, some schools are working on a lending program for computers and some internet companies are provided free internet.

Even without Internet at Home, Students can Keep Learning, by Google

Tips and Tricks: Preparing Student to Learn Home with Chromebooks (by Google)

Tips and Tricks: Preparing Student to Learn Home with Chromebooks (by Google)

Our friends at Google have shared a few resources with Inspired Classroom to highlight on our blog. We appreciate the shift of all educationally minded organizations that are working to help prepare educators, students, and parents for learning at home.

Tips and Tricks: Different Devices? No Problem

Tips and Tricks: Different Devices? No Problem

A bit of good news—There are many options for connecting and teaching remotely. The technology allowing us to connect with video has exponentially improved in the last few years. You can now do more with limited technology than ever before. We strongly believe that a blended method is best and that involves virtual face to face time. As the teacher, you also become the ad hoc tech expert. Fortunately, most of the platforms support a variety of devices from phones to PCs and Macs, tablets and iPads. Here is how to get the best results:

Tips and Tricks: How to Create a YouTube Account and Upload a Video

Creating a YouTube account for your classroom can be a great way to begin teaching using a blended method of interactive and on-demand.

Reasons for creating a YouTube account for your virtual classroom:

  1. Ability to create playlists of YouTube videos to share with your students created by other teachers and organizations.

  2. Record and upload your lessons so students can watch and re-watch tricky content OR

  3. If students do not have constant or consistent access to the internet they can view your lessons when they are connected.

  4. Allows you to track views of your lessons

Here is a quick video to get started:

Share your tips and tricks for teaching remotely on Inspired Classroom’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! We want to hear from you. Also, check out all of our blog posts on

How to Upload a Video to YouTube

Inspired Classroom Tips and Tricks for Teaching Remotely

Inspired Classroom will be working with partner organizations and businesses to bring you tips and tricks for distance learning. We will be posting new tips and tricks here and on our social media.



Instagram: @inspiredclassroom1