Bringing Learning to Life in YOUR Classroom
Quality Learning Experience—On Us
We virtually transport learners into rich field-learning experiences. As educators ourselves, we ensure all Inspired Classroom experiences are rooted in strong curriculum and we strive to offer them at no cost.
Less Time Planning, More Time Teaching
Our rich experiences are designed to complement your instruction. Working with Inspired Classroom lets you focus on your learners while we handle the logistics. We pride ourselves on technical know-how and one-on-one support.
Everything in One Place
Our proprietary software makes content turnkey and allows you to measure tangible learning objectives, all from one central hub.
Grab a Front-Row Seat
Inspired Classroom gives people – regardless of location, background or age – the chance to interact with world-renowned experts. Virtual technology and our proprietary software connects people to timely and meaningful learning experiences.
Special Projects
Grades K-12: Golden Eagle Google Earth Project: Stories Eagles Tell
Explore golden eagle migration using a new Google Earth interface. This project could be used with the Golden Eagle IC Challenge or as independently.
Grades K-Adult: Echoes On the Land: The Story of Glacial Lake Missoula
Inspired Classroom partnered with the Glacial Lake Missoula Flood Institute, Missoula Chapter and the Montana Natural History Center to create a series of educational videos about Glacial Lake Missoula. Closed Caption Version
“Outstanding, gave a better understanding of preservation, especially on this Reservation. We want MORE connections!”
“That was amazing! A great opportunity for my students! What they learned about water carried over to our next unit.”
“We learned about Native American Pop Art and to follow your dreams!”
Professional Development
Inspired Classroom collaborates with experts to support educators. Learn more about Inspired Classroom Professional Development: