
Holiday S.C.A.M.P.E.R-- Festive Inventive Thinking in YOUR Classroom!

Perfect for grades 3-8

The Winter holidays are in trouble and just around the corner! Students will learn how to think like an inventor through the SCAMPER method of creative thinking and solve a major holiday dilemma. 
SCAMPER is an acronym for:
Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Maximize/Minimize, Put to Other Uses,Eliminate, Reverse
Students will use these principles to observe inventions around them, develop critical thinking skills, and develop a vocabulary to discuss their invention. Teachers choose from one of the following scenarios as a focus for this fun-filled S.C.A.M.P.E.R. lesson:
1. Santa's sleigh has is broken! In order to save Christmas invent a new mode of transportation.
2. Snowed In! It has been snowing for days and days! Help invent a device to clear the way.
3. Elves need help! To keep up with the toy demand , Santa's Elves need your help inventing a toy making machine.