
Holiday S.C.A.M.P.E.R-- Festive Inventive Thinking in YOUR Classroom!

Perfect for grades 3-8

The Winter holidays are in trouble and just around the corner! Students will learn how to think like an inventor through the SCAMPER method of creative thinking and solve a major holiday dilemma. 
SCAMPER is an acronym for:
Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Maximize/Minimize, Put to Other Uses,Eliminate, Reverse
Students will use these principles to observe inventions around them, develop critical thinking skills, and develop a vocabulary to discuss their invention. Teachers choose from one of the following scenarios as a focus for this fun-filled S.C.A.M.P.E.R. lesson:
1. Santa's sleigh has is broken! In order to save Christmas invent a new mode of transportation.
2. Snowed In! It has been snowing for days and days! Help invent a device to clear the way.
3. Elves need help! To keep up with the toy demand , Santa's Elves need your help inventing a toy making machine.





Holiday Bear Inspires YOUR Classroom

Join Inspired Classroom  for a Christmas themed program that looks into the winter habits of bears. During the program we explore whether or not bears are true hibernators. Included is a reading of Bear Stays up for Christmas written by Karma Wilson and a discussion of what really goes on in a bear’s den during the winter. This program uses real footage of a yearling bear inside of its den and allows for plenty of student interaction and fun!  New this year: Holiday Art Project!


Understanding Korea: Past, Present, and Future--Nov. 17 from 10:15-11:00

Understanding Korea: Past, Present and Future


Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Speaker: Dr. James F. Person
November 17th: 10:15-11:15 am

Register Here!

James F. Person is Director of the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He has a PhD in modern Korean history from the George Washington University, where he also teaches courses on North Korean history. His dissertation explored the evolution of the political and ideological systems in North Korea and Pyongyang’s relations with Beijing and Moscow from 1953-1967. His recent publications include “’We Need Help from Outside: The North Korean Opposition Movement of 1956” (Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 52), and “New Evidence on North Korea in 1956” CWIHP Bulletin 16. He is currently completing a book manuscript on the pivotal 1956 August Plenum of North Korea’s ruling Korean Worker’s Party and the political and diplomatic fallout. 


To prepare students for the discussion with Dr. Person of the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, please consider having students watch the movie (or part of the movie): 

Ode to My Father

The discussion with the Korean Foundation will include themes addressed in the movie.  Watch the Trailer!  This movie is available for streaming on Netflix.
*Note: This event and movie will be a great pre-event for Dr. Fluck's two part series about the Humanitarian Crisis in Europe in early January.

Register Here!