Resources: Excerpt from Google CEO post with links to resources

Below is an excerpt from a post by Google CEO Sundar Pichai. It includes some great hyperlinks and resources! Here is a link to the full post.

Enabling productivity for remote users and students

As more employers have asked workers to stay at home to help slow the spread of COVID-19, we’re seeing more people using the premium features of Meet, our video conferencing app, which we made available to all G Suite customers at no cost until July 1, 2020. We’ve also shared tips and resources for remote workers of all kinds.

For educators around the globe, we’ve created new distance learning resources, including a collection of training materials, a new YouTube Learning Hub, and a series of blog posts and webinars. We're working with Google Educator Groups around the world, for example in Hong KongJapan and Taiwan, to provide local content from teachers for teachers. In Italy, we’re helping schools quickly get set up with G Suite for Education and are working to provide additional technical support through partners. We’ll continue working with educators to see what more we can do to help as they navigate the transition to distance learning.

For educators and schools facing closures, distance learning tools can help keep students engaged.