Resources: Using Google Earth—IC Golden Eagle Migration Project

If you are teaching remotely, you may be looking for great resources that students can use semi-independently.  Inspired Classroom has partnered with Google Earth Education to create: Stories Golden Eagles Tell with the Google Earth creation tool. This project consists of eight interactive ‘cards’.  Each card has basic content, videos, and interactive Google Maps directing students to explore the natural history of Golden Eagles, habitat, migration studies, and issues facing Golden Eagles. 

In addition, Inspired Classroom has created curriculum materials for you built around essential understandings and scaffolded for learning and thought levels. Click here to access the link to the interactive cards and all of the curriculum materials.

Here are some ideas about how to combine this great project with your virtual teaching.

1. Ask students to view the materials in a specific card before you conduct the class virtually. They should take notes and write down questions. Then when you meet virtually share your screen and go through the ‘card’ together answering students’ questions.

2. After viewing a card, ask students to find one more resource about the topic to share with the class when you come together virtually.

3. Use the curriculum resources and activities HERE to extend learning and assess understanding during a virtual class period.
Google Earth Education has tons of great resources and projects to enrich your virtual teaching.

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