At We Are Montana in the Classroom’s distance-learning Brain Awareness Week, UM faculty members from an array of academic disciplines will share their research and lead hands-on and minds-on activities in the study of the most complex organ in the human body. Sessions of approximately 45 minutes will be open to elementary, middle-school, and high-school audiences throughout the week of March 15, 16 &17. Sessions will be open March 23 &24 for schools who have Spring Break during the first week. Presenters will include:
Brains and Robots!
For Elementary School Students
Wednesday, March 16 1:00-1:50 pm and 2:00-2:50 pm
and Wednesday, March 23 1:00-2:00 pm
Dr. Rachel Severson, assistant professor of developmental psychology, who studies how children think about personified technology (robots) as having thoughts, emotions, and the capacity to be friends; during her presentation, she will share with students the robot she uses for her research.