Montana STEMfest 2015
Trout Unlimited and Whisper Means
Monday, Oct. 19
Trout Unlimited: Presenter: Paul Parson: Founded in 1964, Montana Trout Unlimited is the only statewide grassroots organization dedicated solely to conserving and restoring coldwater fisheries. Montana Trout Unlimited is comprised of 13 chapters representing approximately 3,400 Trout Unlimited members.
Whisper Means M.S.: has worked for the CS&K Tribes as a Wildlife Biologist Technician, Trainee, Biologist level 1 and now Biologist level 2. Recently received certification from The Wildlife Society as a Certified Wildlife Biologist. Current projects include US Highway 93 North post construction monitoring and outreach; habitat management for Kerr Dam Mitigation properties; she is currently working to become more informed and versed in Climate change science.