Sunburst Sensors and
UM Professor Dr. Mike DeGrandpre
9:00 to 9:50am
"Chemistry at Work"
Sunburst Sensors: Presenter: Reuben Darlington: Sunburst Sensors strives to provide its customers high quality chemical sensors for marine and freshwater applications. The SAMI-CO2 and SMAI-pH (Submersibles Autonomous Moored Instrument) have been deployed by researchers around the world interested in long term monitoring of pCO2 and pH. In 2011 these instruments were chosen for use by the Ocean Observatories Initiative(OOI)- a large scale endeavor funded by the National Science Foundation to construct “a networked infrastructure of science-driven sensor systems to measure the physical, chemical, geological and biological variables in the ocean and seafloor.” Reuben Darlington: Research and manufacturing engineer at Sunburst Sensors.
Mike DeGrandpre Ph.D: My research focuses on the development of autonomous chemical sensors for applications in aquatic (marine and freshwater) chemistry. One of our primary goals is to further our understanding of CO2’s sources and sinks within the world's oceans. Our research has resulted in the development of autonomous CO2 and pH sensors (the Submersible Autonomous Moored Instruments or SAMIs). By deploying the SAMI sensors on ocean moorings and other unmanned platforms, we have determined to what extent processes such as photosynthesis and air-sea gas exchange control CO2 variability. These results will help develop models to predict the effects of global warming and ocean acidification (the decrease in ocean pH caused by anthropogenic CO2). Our recent field work has primarily focused on the processes that control CO2 in both freshwater (rivers and lakes) and marine environments. To date, SAMIs have been deployed in all ocean basins except the Indian Ocean.