To truly understand the landscape, raptors of Montana, and the habitat that is crucial for their survival, scientists from Raptor View Research Institute and MPG Ranch have partnered for a multiple-year study tracking eagles, hawks, falcons, and osprey reading the stories of the birds tell with data placed on maps.  

Join us on February 18, 2025, for a live day with Eagle researchers!

Students in K-12 are invited to participate in this FREE virtual field trip to learn about Golden Eagle Migration and Rocky Mountain raptors with researchers from Raptor View Research Institute at the MPG Ranch in Florence, MT.  During the 45-minute event, students will:

  1. Understand the overall goals of the research study.

  2. Learn about the research protocols.

  3. Make observations, gather data, and make inferences along with the researchers.

  4. Investigate the flyways and migration patterns.

  5. Participate in grade-band (Elementary, Middle, and High School) breakout rooms Q and A!

Wednesday, February 18th, All times are Mountain Time Zone

Session 1: 9:00- 9:45 am
Session 2: 10:00- 10:45 am
Session 3: 11:00-11:45 pm
Session 4: 1:30-2:15 pm

Golden Eagle Researchers capture and do a workup on a Golden Eagle during the live event at MPG Ranch.

Curriculum Resourses

Have you ever S.C.A.M.P.E.R.d? SCAMPER is a framework for inventive thinking. Here is a quick video to explain the process:

Each month, Inspired Classroom is creating a quick S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Challenge. Check out our challenge with Raptor View Research Institute!


Students are challenged to research and write their own chapter to help spread awareness about Golden Eagles and other migrating birds and the dangers facing them. Students use Google Earth, videos, and vetted resources in their research. Check out this sample video here!

With the help of mentor partners MPG Ranch and  Raptor View Research Institute scientists, students learn about Golden Eagles, habitat, and risks.

Students pick one problem and write a bird travel story from the 'eagle eye' point of view. The story includes: drawing of an eagle avatar, map, description of the birds and habitat in the area, description of the problem to solve, and the proposed solution. The final product will be a chapter in an ebook with Xerxes, the eagle, and friends.

Already have an account? Use Join Code: KYXLY5HE

Middle School Golden Eagle Challenge

Students are challenged to research and write their own chapter to help spread awareness about Golden Eagles and other migrating birds and the dangers facing them. Students use Google Earth, videos, and vetted resources in their research. Check out this sample video here!

With the help of mentor partners MPG Ranch and  Raptor View Research Institute  scientists, students learn about Golden Eagles, habitat, and risks.

Students are challenged to first research Golden Eagles, then design and build a prototype of a game. The game is based on migration pathways. The purpose of the game is to teach the players about Golden Eagle habitat, the decline of the population, and the biggest risk to the migrating birds in your area and a possible solution. The game must be for players 8-adult.

Already have an account? Use Join Code: MI2JWK6N

High School Golden Eagle Challenge

After analyzing the data from MPG Ranch  and Raptor View Research Institute and researching, students create a visual graphical abstract similar to those in scientific papers to interpret the data and support their recommendations for Eagle stewardship in their area.

The graphical abstract is persuasive in nature, clearly uses the ABT framework to summarize key points, and be backed by factual evidence. It should be appropriate to present to policymakers in your area, region, nationally, and internationally. Check out this sample video here!

Already have an account? Use Join Code: HJW3UKS2


Stories Golden Eagles Tell:

Migration on Changing Landscapes

Access Stories Golden Eagles Tell: Migration on Changing Landscapes on

Google Earth

Below you will find different curriculum projects to engage your students. The first three ‘challenges’ are longer projects with materials for both educators and students that use skill sets such as problem solving, creative writing, and map reading to engage learners. Below, you will find a menu of shorter activities to use with the Google Earth Tour, Stories Golden Eagles Tell: Migration on a Changing Landscape.

Stories Golden Eagles Tell: Migration on a Changing Landscape

Access Google Earth Content


Inspired Classroom, in collaboration with MPG Ranch and Raptor View Research Institute developed the curriculum map below.

Essential questions frame the activities and investigations into a purposeful map of learning. As a result of experiencing this investigation, students should be able to answer the project questions at a deep level of understanding and connect them to the broader essential questions.

Stories Golden Eagles Tell: Migration on Changing Landscapes, asks learners to explore the pathways of magnificent Golden Eagles from data gathered by the scientists as they traverse their north-south migration route between Alaska and Montana. Reading the eagles’ stories by examining sample maps, viewing pathways in real time, analyzing the data and then making inferences develops ‘cognitive sweat’ akin to the work scientists do every day. There are no right answers, just deep thinking.

As a teacher, you can choose to take your students on this learning journey at whatever level, in whatever way you professionally judge to be the best for your students’ needs. The resources provided support basic fact gathering and skill development but also the deeper levels of application, analysis, evaluation, and creation. The intent of the project is to ask students to think deeply and create their own meaning that can be applied to the work of the world. Access full Teacher’s Guide.

To the teacher:  Use this menu to scaffold instruction and select activities that meet your students’ learning goals.
    Basic=Basic Level         Intermediate=Intermediate Level       Advanced=Advanced Level
DQ=Discussion Questions TL=Teacher Led

Essential Understanding
What are the Characteristics of Golden Eagles?
Natural History: PHysical, Habitat, Food

Essential Understanding
What Habitats and Behaviors are NECESSARY
For Golden Eagles to survive?

What is Migration? How does the
landscape shape migration?

Essential Understanding
How is Golden Eagle Research Being Conducted?
Who, What, and Why?

Essential Understanding
What impact is change having on
Golden Eagles?

Human Impact, Weather, Habitat Loss

Essential Understanding
How can golden Eagle researched be used
to connect to the broader world?

Other Species, Other Research, Management

Inspired Classroom works with other organizations to bring you Virtual Research Projects at no charge. These projects are on interactive platform that cultivates critical thinking thinking skills and connects students to real-world experts and content.

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