K-12 Learning Experiences
Inspired Classroom is dedicated to supporting teachers, caregivers, and parents with scenario-driven distance learning experiences FREE OF CHARGE thanks to the sponsorship of our amazing partner mentor organizations. Regardless of your school’s plan, we have a virtual challenge experience that fits your needs. Watch this short video to see how an IC Challenge on the MentorIC platform delivers deep learning to your students.
All of our learning experiences are supported by educators. Do you need help getting started or have a question?
Elementary Learning Experiences
Elementary projects for students in grades K-6 begin a child’s journey into the wider world by piquing their curiosity and challenging them to contribute their own ideas. All projects for elementary are always based in content standards and have an emphasis in literacy. Projects are designed for teachers by teachers.
Middle School Learning Experiences
Middle school projects are designed to build ‘cognitive sweat’ in students who are beginning to master independent learning skills and are becoming aware of their world and their place in it. By working side by side with mentor partners to tussle with real-life problems, Middle school students can work collaboratively on projects that make a difference. All projects are standards-based and inquiry-driven. They are designed by teachers, for teachers to increase student engagement.
High School LEarning Experiences
High School projects put students directly in the driver’s seat of current work done by experts. Connecting students to mentors is strategically important as they begin exploring career and post-secondary pathways. Mentor Inspired Learning projects are scenario-driven and based on the thinking processes used by professionals in their field.
Special Projects
Grades K-12: Golden Eagle Google Earth Project: Stories Eagles Tell
Explore golden eagle migration using a new Google Earth interface. This project could be used with the Golden Eagle IC Challenge or as independently.
Grades K-Adult: Echos On the Land: The Story of Glacial Lake Missoula
Inspired Classroom partnered with the Glacial Lake Missoula Flood Institute, Missoula Chapter and the Montana Natural History Center to create a series of educational videos about Glacial Lake Missoula. Closed Caption Version